Change Of Address Checklist in Ontario

Moving In Ontario? Don't Forget To Let Others Know You've Changed Your Address 

Moving can be both exciting and stressful. It doesn't matter if you're moving for work, to be with your significant other, downsizing, want to take advantage of changes in the real estate market, or just want a change of scenery; there's a lot of opportunity. However, there's a lot of stress, much of which is tied to little things that can very easily be taken for granted. The sheer number of small things that can fly under the radar with everything going on is very high, and it would be understandable to miss a few. Luckily, by creating a simple change of address checklist, you can be more confident in the fact that you'll remember what you need to. 

Getting Ready To Move 

In the weeks before you move, you'll want to make sure you have a lot of the tasks on your change of address checklist handled. These include: 

  • Set a moving budget and get quotes from moving companies. 
  • Ensure you're free on the day of the move by clearing all social and work obligations. Ensure any family or friends you ask to help you are free as well. 
  • Get rid of stuff that you don't want to keep. 
  • Ensure special care for items that need it on the moving day. This includes labels and instructions for any moving services. 
  • Book any rental vehicles you will need. 
  • Gather and label your boxes. 
  • Plan your route. 
  • Ensure your fridge, pantry, etc. are all clear before the move. 

This is just the start, as packing and planning can be daunting. For a more detailed list, you may require a full moving checklist to ensure you don't forget anything. 

Protecting Your Possessions With Insurance 

With all of your most valuable possessions loaded up onto moving vehicles, you might worry that your most treasured items might not make it. While you are likely being  careful, and it is safe to assume that any moving company you hire or friends and family you ask for assistance will do the same, there's still a chance something could go wrong. One of the first things on your change of address checklist is to know if your belongings are covered when using a moving company and get any coverage you need just to be safe. 

Who Do I Need To Tell That I Changed My Address? 

One of the easiest things to forget about moving is telling everyone that you're doing it. Sure, there are times when you're excited to the point where you'll tell a lot of people, but it's likely you'll miss a few by accident. A few of these service providers will require plenty of notice, but most of them aren't big, as you shouldn't need to fill out a 3-page legal document to let your siblings know you're moving. However, forgetting something on your change of address checklist could lead to a bigger headache down the road, so it's recommended that you give everyone you can notice in ample time. 

Financial Institutions  

There's almost always some paperwork to complete when you're updating your contact details with financial institutions. One of the main reasons for this being near the top of your change of address checklist is these places often send important documents via traditional mail, and you don't want these documents sent to your old address, especially when they contain information that can often be very sensitive. A stranger with ill intent could use this information to steal from your accounts and/or commit identity theft, both of which have the potential to cripple you financially or even legally, so it's important to let them know about your new address. 

Banks And Credit Card Companies 

These are probably the first things that come to mind when you hear of financial institutions. You don't want your banking details or the updated card your credit card company just sent to fall into the wrong hands. 

It's an important part of your change of address checklist to let every financial institution you're with know so that critical mix-ups like this don't happen. Most of these places let you update your address online and offer options for doing so either over the phone or in person. It is best you do this a couple of weeks before the actual change of address. This is because you don't want something they sent to your old address before the move to arrive after you've left. 

Insurance Brokers And Providers 

Including this as part of your change of address checklist might seem biased, but it absolutely isn't. This is most obvious with your home insurance, as the address that you're actually insuring is needed to give you proper coverage. It becomes even more critical if the type of home you're moving to is changing, as traditional homeowners insurance is different from tenant insurance and condo insurance. 

It's important to note that this also impacts all of your insurance. Your location is almost certain to impact your car insurance situation. Having something like the wrong address on your insurance profile will almost certainly make any claims much more difficult if you're still eligible for them at all. This is also true for any of your add-ons, so if you're with more than one insurance company, you're going to need to contact all of them. 

Medical Providers  

Healthcare services also contact people via mail, which often contains sensitive information. These places also sometimes send you sensitive information, and your mailing address is important for their records. If you're making a move to a place that's further away, you might want to change medical services since it's likely not worth travelling for a few hours just for a check-up. However, if you're staying in the same city, keeping the same provider is certainly an option. In this case, you still need to add communicating with these services to your change of address checklist so that they can keep their records up to date. 

Remembering to update them can often lead to confusion or misunderstandings later, so it is important to let them know now to ensure a smooth transition. 


Doctors will, unsurprisingly, often have very detailed information about their clients. This information contains your home address, as well as any other information they feel is needed to contact you. Doctors, however, keep things relatively simple when it comes to keeping your address up to date. When checking them off your change of address checklist, simply letting the right employees know when you're in to visit them should be enough to get your records updated. If you don't have any appointments scheduled, you should be able to have them update the address listed on your records with a simple phone call. 


The situation with dentists is very similar to that of doctors in that their records are quite detailed, but their step in the change of address checklist is very simple. If you're due for a visit soon before the move, it's a good idea to let them know in person. Otherwise, it is recommended that you call the office to give them a heads-up and allow them to make the update. 


Human doctors aren't the only ones who provide medical services and who keep files on you. Fido's medical workers also need to know that you're moving. In addition to visiting or calling them as part of your change of address checklist, it is also recommended that you get up to date on any vaccinations needed or anything else needed before you fully begin the moving process to help cut down on stress. 

Government Institutions  

Government agencies likely have more information on you than anyone else listed here. However, even with how careful they are, they won't know you moved unless you include communication with them on your change of address checklist. There are some government services that will need to know that you changed your address to prevent anything from happening. 

Canada Revenue Agency 

Moving couldn't be any more fun, could it? You have logistics, schedule coordination, commuting, packing, unpacking, and budgeting to look forward to, and now you get the exciting opportunity to go through how this impacts your taxes. Lucky you! All joking aside, it is important to include contacting the CRA as part of your change of address checklist so that tax time doesn't get any more difficult. 

The CRA does allow for a few ways to let them know. If you're moving right around tax time, you can simply write your new address when filing your tax documents. The other three ways are doing so online on their website and following the instructions, calling them, or by mail by submitting an RC325 form. 

My Service Canada 

My Service Canada also requires you to update them on an address change. This will ensure that you remain eligible for government programs such as employment insurance, pension benefits, social security and other benefits. When checking them off your change of address checklist, you have a few options. You can go to their site to leave a request for them to call you back, call them yourself and explain you moved, or go to one of their physical locations to do so. 

Service Ontario 

Since your ID lists your address, it would make sense that you need to update it. This step on your change of address checklist will almost certainly require you to visit a Service Ontario location. Your health card, vehicle registration, and driver's license, if you have one, are the pieces of ID you need to update. It should also be noted that your updated ID will most likely come to you in the mail 4-6 weeks after the update. 

Professional And Educational Contacts  

As with many of the others on your change of address checklist, these places have detailed records on you, as they will often need that information to contact you. 


Most companies request some personal information from their employees when the employee is first hired. This information includes your current address, so you must tell your employer when you move so they can update your file. This step on your change of address checklist, however, is usually a relatively simple affair, as it is most likely that all you will need to do is contact HR, and they will update your file. 

Educational Institutes 

There are a few different scenarios for this step on your change of address checklist. One is that you or your spouse might be currently attending a post-secondary institution. Another situation is if you have kids that attend school. It is also possible that someone in your home is attending night classes or a similar continuing education program. In any of these cases, it is your responsibility to let the school know of the change. How this works will depend on the individual institution. Sometimes, you need to let the institution know in writing. Other places may accept phone calls or let you make the switch online. It's best to contact any educational institution in question to find out the process, and follow the instructions they give you. 

Personal Contacts  

Who's to tell everyone you talk with when completing your change of address checklist is some official person who you need to let know for business or legal purposes? There are people who make your life worth living, and they also need to know that you moved. This is partially due to the fact that they might be mailing you something, but there's also the possibility that they will visit you one day. Your parents will almost certainly have a bit of a moment if they come to visit you, and "your" place is currently inhabited by a bunch of strangers. Luckily, these are generally some of the easiest people to let know. 

Friends And Family 

This should go without saying, but sometimes you get so busy with your change of address checklist that you might forget to tell some personal contacts. While it is likely that telling a few people in a network will mean that the message gets around to everyone, it is better to be safe than sorry and ensure everyone close to you knows. While it may not be necessary to contact your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate about your move, everyone who would realistically visit you or send you a letter should be notified before the move. In addition, anyone who's helping you move should be informed of the new location's address well in advance. 

Subscription Services 

When you're tied down needing to contact a bunch of people whom you legally need to, it is easy to forget that your change of address checklist includes contacts with a few companies that you associate with just because you enjoy them. Places that deliver things like Amazon, as well as many magazine subscriptions, should be let know first. Also streaming services, gyms, and other places also need to know at some point but that is much less urgent. 

Enjoy Your New Home 

After you go through all the items in your change of address checklist and get settled into your new home, it's important to remember the reason you moved in the first place. Whether you wanted to get a bigger place as you moved up in the world, downsized to simplify your life, or simply figured that a new location would benefit you, you figured life after the move would be better for you. Enjoy the better life your new home presents. 

This content is written by our Morison Insurance team. All information posted is merely for educational and informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Should you decide to act upon any information in this article, you do so at your own risk. While the information on this website has been verified to the best of our abilities, we cannot guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors.

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